ALOYSIA - citrodora

Lemon Verbena – White
Fragrant perennial herb with high oil content & white-to-pale lilac flowers. It is used for tinctures, cooking, pot-pourri, teas, & perfumes.

Genovese – White
'Genovese' Italian variety has extremely tender, fragrant, extra-large, dark green leaves & is superb for pesto. Start early indoors or outside after all danger of frost. Harvest regularly to keep producing tasty leaves.

Lemon – White
Lemon scented leaves. Very flavorful and fragrant. Especially tasty in dressings and marinades. Fragrant herb is popular both fresh and dried. Colorful/Attractive Foliage, Scented Foliage, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance.

Mammoth Sweet – White
Very large lettuce-leafed and somewhat crinkled leaves are about 4.5 in. (11 cm) long and almost as wide. Distinctive flavor is similar to but not as strong as sweet basil. Especially good in pasta dishes. Heavenly aroma.

Red Rubin – Lavender
Large, flat, dark red to purple leaves have a sweet flavor. Vigorous plants are highly decorative.

Sweet Italian Basil – White
Fragrant herb is popular both fresh and dried. Large leaves. Best choice for pesto and cooking.

Thai Sweet – Purple
Best variety for flavoring Thai dishes. Fragrant Purple flowers. Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds. Scented & Colorful/Attractive foliage on Purple stems.
BASIL - Conventional

Bush Basil – White
Compact plant with tiny delicate leaves. Very fragrant. Excellent in kitchen, herb gardens, window boxes, and containers.

Catnip – Pale Pink
Fast growing perennial with gray green foliage. A treat for cats and bees. Repels cockroaches.

German Chamomile – White
Spreading plant with daisy-like, white flowers. Often used to make fragrant and soothing teas.

Onion Chives – Rose Purple
Perennial herb grows in clumps. Tender foliage is used as an accent in cooking.

Santo – Small White flowers
'Santo' is fast growing with broad, celery-like stems that are perfect for bunching. Its unmistakable sharp scent and taste have made it the staple herb in salsa and other Mexican dishes.

Dill – Yellow
'Fernleaf' variety is a dwarf, compact that is grown for its seeds and foliage, and is used often with fish, lamb, potatoes and peas. Great variety for use in pickling, too. Scented Foliage & Fragrant Flowers. Colorful/Attractive Foliage. Heat Tolerant. Low Maintenance.

Anouk Deep Rose – Deep Rose
Spanish lavender. Silver foliage. Deep rose flowers are topped with waving petals.

Bandera Deep Rose – Deep Rose
Bandera series is a Spanish lavender. It is a sturdy, bushy variety that grows low to the ground. Tons of flowers in the Spring & Summer. Attracts Butterflies & Honeybees. Mild lavender fragrance.

Bandera Pink – Pink
Spanish lavender. Compact. Abundant of flowers in the Spring & Summer. Attracts Butterflies & Honeybees. Mild lavender fragrance

Bandera Purple – Lilac
Bandera series is a Spanish lavender. It is a sturdy, bushy variety that grows low to the ground. Tons of flowers in the Spring & Summer. Attracts Butterflies & Honeybees. Mild lavender fragrance.

Ellagance Snow – White
English lavender. Fragrant, fine cut gray green foliage. Large white flowers.

Goodwin Creek – Dark blue
Perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Flowers June-Sept. Silvery-gray toothed foliage.

Grosso – Purple
Perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Long flower stems good fresh or dried June-Sept.

Hidcote Blue – Deep blue
Perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Flowers June-Sept. good cut or dried. Compact.

Lavance Purple – Purple
English lavender. Fragrant, fine cut gray green foliage. Long-lasting purple flowers.

LaVela™ Compact Dark Pink – Pink
Spanish lavender. Fragrant. Pink flower spikes hold waving mauve petals on grey-green foliage.

LaVela™ Compact Dark Violet – Violet
Spanish lavender. Fragrant. Violet purple flower spikes on grey-green foliage.

LaVela™ Compact White – White
Spanish lavender. Fragrant. White flower spikes on grey-green foliage.

Munstead – Dark blue
Perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Flowers June-Sept. good cut or dried.

Otto Quast – Indigo purple
Perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Unique winged flowers June-Sept.

Papillion Purple – Purple
Spanish lavender with fragrant foliage. Purple flowers are topped with waving petals. Blooms in Summer.

Phenomenal – Purple
Perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Flowers June-Sept. good cut or dried. Compact.

Platinum Blonde – Blue
English Lavender. Blue flower spikes. Cream and green variegated, fragrant foliage.

Provence – Purple
Tidy, compact, perennial herb with fragrant foliage. Heat tolerant. Long stemmed flowers June-Sept.

Silver Anouk – Purple
Spanish lavender. Silver foliage. Purple flowers are topped with waving violet petals.

Super Blue – Deep blue
Fragrant, fine cut, silver gray foliage. Spikes of fragrant flowers in summer.

Vicenza Blue – Deep Blue
Fragrant, fine cut, silver gray foliage. Spikes of fragrant flowers in summer.

East Indian – Grass east
Aromatic grass from India contains large amounts of citral and geraniol. Anti-inflammatory. Great for digestion.

Sweet Marjoram – White
Aromatic, evergreen rockery plant. Strong, salty flavor. Tiny gray green leaves on slender branches.

Lemon Balm – White
Part of the mint family. Leaves have the scent of a lemon with a hint of mint. Clumping habit.

Apple Mint – White
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Large light green foliage with apple-mint fragrance.

Chewing Gum – Light blue
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Deep green foliage with fresh spearmint flavor.

Chocolate Mint – Pink-to-Lavender
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Bronzy, peppermint-like foliage with a surprising chocolatey favor & scent. Wonderful in desserts and tea. Deer Resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer. Pink-to-Lavender flowers.

Mojito – Lilac Blue
Bright to dark green foliage is aromatic with sweet undertones. Great with lime, lamb and meats.

Orange Mint – White
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Bronzy green foliage with strong citrus mint scent.

Peppermint – Pink-to-Lavender
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Deep green foliage with fresh Peppermint flavor. Excellent in tea. Deer Resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer. Pink-to-Lavender flowers.

Pineapple – White
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Leaves have white variegation and pineapple fragrance.

Strawberry – Pink
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners. Green foliage with a nice strawberry scented mint. Deer Resistant. Blooms Late Spring to Late Summer. Pink flowers.

Swiss Mint – Light blue
Hardy perennial plant. Spreads by runners.

Thai – Lavender
Hardy perennial plant. Evergreen. Aromatic.

Aureum – Gold w/ White flowers
Low creeping mounding plant with deep golden foliage with white flowers. Mild oregano scent. Best as ornamental.

Greek Oregano – Green w/ White flowers
Perennial herb with a rich flavor. Many culinary uses. Use fresh or dried in soups, sauces, etc. White Blooms.

Hot And Spicy – Green w/ White flowers
Perennial herb with rich spicy flavor. Use fresh or dried in soups, sauces, etc. Blooms are white.

Italian – Green w/ White flowers
Perennial herb with rich flavor. Has many culinary uses. Use fresh or dried. Blooms are white.

Curled Parsley – Small White
Decorative curled green leaves. Use in salads and as a garnish.

Italian Green Parsley – Small White
Vigorous plant with flavorful flat dark green leaves. A favorite for cooking.

Arp – Lavender blue
Evergreen herb with needle-like fragrant foliage. Very hardy. Good for culinary use.

Creeping Rosemary – Pale blue
Evergreen herb with fragrant foliage. Used mostly as an ornamental in pots, borders and rock walls.

Spice Island – Blue
Vigorous evergreen herb is great for cooking and pruning into topiaries. Flowers Aug-Oct.

Tuscan Blue – Dark blue
Evergreen herb with needle-like fragrant foliage. Good for culinary use. Flowers Aug-Sept.

Berggarten – Lilac blue
Upright shrubby herb with scented foliage. Large silvery blue green foliage. Flowers June-Aug.

Culinary Sage – Green-gray
Hardy perennial herb with gray green aromatic foliage. Good for flavoring meats and poultry.

Icterina – Gold Variegated
Upright shrubby herb. Showy with gold variegated, scented foliage. Flowers June-Aug.

Pineapple Sage – Scarlet
Vigorous plant with fragrant. Pineapple-scented foliage. Striking flowers Sept-May where protected.

Purple – Lilac blue
Upright shrubby herb.. Showy with dark purple, scented foliage. Flowers June-Aug.

Tri Color Sage – Lilac blue
Scented, multi-colored leaves of green, creamy white, pink and purple. Flowers June-Aug.

Rebaudiana – White
Natural sweetener. Non-caloric and doesn't promote tooth decay.

French Tarragon –
Sprawling, largely flowerless herb with shiny dark green leaves. Very aromatic and flavorful.

Culinary Thyme – Gray-Green
French culinary thyme. Purple to white flowers with narrow, fragrant green leaves. Deer Resistant. Scented foliage.
THYME - Thymus

Archer’s Gold – Pale pink flowers
Evergreen creeper. Lemon scented foliage is splashed with yellow. Flowers June-July.
Caraway – Mauve flowers
Wiry herb with tiny dark green scented leaves. Loose flower clusters June-July.

Compactus – Lavender flowers
Uniform, compact rounded herb with small olive green leaves. Flowers June-July.

Doone Valley – Pale pink flowers
Low mounding plant with lemon scented foliage. Small leaves are irregularly splashed with yellow.

Foxley – Dark Pink flowers
Mounding evergreen herb with soft and shiny, cream-green variegated foliage. Flowers in Summer.

Lemon – Pale pink flowers
Small shrub-like plant with lemon scented foliage with golden margins. Flowers June-July.
Lime – Pale pink flowers
Vigorous low spreading herb with greenish yellow, lemon scented foliage. Flowers June-July.
Oregano – Pale pink flowers
Mounding herb with rich green leaves that have an oregano fragrance. Flowers June-July.

Silver – Lavender flowers
Rounded compact herb with scented, small silver gray leaves with white margins. Flowers Julu-Aug.